You can retrieve LOTS of listing data from Amazon with Synccentric. We define "listing data" as information tied to the marketplace listing which is commonly inconstant data. This includes pricing, sales rank, numbers of sellers, and a whole lot more.ย
Step 1: Import your list of product identifiers
Import your data file containing either ASINs, MPNs, ISBNs, UPCs, EANs, SellerSKUs or product Titles. On the import preview page, be sure to select the column you want to search by and the type of identifier it is that you're importing.
Step 2: Start a search to map your products with Amazon
After the import, click "Search". This will begin to map the identifiers that you imported with the products on Amazon, returning the listing info our system offers.ย
Step 3: View or export listing info
When the search is complete, go to the Products page. Here you'll be able to select the listing info you want to view or export.ย