There are several ways to delete products from your Synccentric campaign. Below, we've outlined these options so you can use the option that best fits your needs.
Delete All Products:
Option 1: On the 'Products' page table, click on the 'Delete All' button on the bottom right. Confirm you want to delete all the products from this campaign. If you have more than 1 campaign, this will only delete the products from the campaign you are in.
Option 2: During the import process, you can select 'Delete data in campaign then import' to delete all data in the campaign before your next file is imported.
Option 3: You can delete all of the data in your account including any settings by deleting the Campaign. You must have at least one more campaign setup in order to do this.
Delete Select Products:
To delete only select products, go to the Products page and select the rows you wish to delete by clicking on the checkbox next to each product. You can also select all of the rows on the current page by selecting the first/top checkbox.