You can search Synccentric's growing database of 200M+ products using a Brand name, Category, or Keyword to retrieve thousands of results in a single search query. Below are some examples on how to use the ‘Search Synccentric’ API with these identifier types.
Basic sample :
curl "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer your-api-token" \
-d "identifier=Nike" \
-d type=brand \
-d locale=US \
Change the type parameter to category to search by category or keyword to search by titles. Below are the types and which product attribute they compare for determining search results.
brand - Checks a product listing's brand or manufacturer.
category - Category type will check a product's category or subcategory for a match.
keyword - keyword compares the provided identifier with the product title.
Excluding the fields parameter in your request will make the result include all available fields by default. You can also specify which fields to return by passing the fields parameter. You can find a list of all the available fields here.
curl "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer your-api-token" \
-d "identifier=Nike" \
-d type=brand \
-d locale=US \
-d "fields[]=asin" \
-d "fields[]=title" \
-d "fields[]=upc" \
Since search types using brand/category/keyword return multiple results, we provide an easy-to-use pagination to move between pages. It's as easy as adding the page in the url query string as well as the per_page parameter to indicate how many products are returned in a page (up to 100 per page).
curl "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer your-api-token" \
-d "identifier=Nike" \
-d type=brand \
-d locale=US \
The number of returned results in a page determines how much is deducted from the daily quota api limit for this endpoint. A request yielding 20 results in its current page deducts 20 from your quota.
You can check the response headers for the attribute X-Sync-Search-Remaining to determine how much more products you can query from the api/v3/products/search endpoint.
Using Filters :
Using filters can be helpful in trimming the results to only include relevant data. The list of possible filters is found in our documentation and for this example, we will be using the price filters.
curl "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer Bearer your-api-token" \
-d "identifier=Nike" \
-d type=brand \
-d locale=US \
-d "filters[price][0]=buybox_new" \
-d "filters[price][1]=100" \
-d "filters[price][2]=300" \
This example will only return products if the value of their buybox_new_landed_price field is between 100 (minimum minimum) and 300 (maximum value).