This guide aims to show a breakdown of a simple curl example of searching Synccentric's database by identifiers of the following types: ASIN, EAN, UPC, MPN, or ISBN. With this, you can easily translate this to any other programming language.
To Search Synccentric's database via API, send a get request to the api/v3/products/search endpoint with the required parameters.
Parameters needed:
identifier - Pass your identifiers as an array. You can pass up to 10 identifiers for each request returning all matches in the response. Please note all identifiers must be of the same type.
type - The type parameter should be the type of identifier you are planning to convert/search. Set this to asin if the identifiers you are passing are ASIN types.
locale - This parameter indicates the amazon marketplace to search the identifiers in.
Basic sample :
curl "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer your-api-token" \
-d "identifier[]=B07QN8PDKL" \
-d "identifier[]=B00YECW5VM" \
-d type=asin \
-d locale=US \
This request will return 2 products matching (if any) the identifier you passed.
Specifying fields :
You also have an option to specify which fields to include in the search response as the default behavior returns all fields. This can help in making the response more readable or making the response easier to parse.
Parameters needed:
fields - pass an array of fields to be included in the response. Here is a list of all valid fields.
curl "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer your-api-token" \
-d "identifier[]=B07QN8PDKL" \
-d "identifier[]=B00YECW5VM" \
-d type=asin \
-d locale=US \
-d "fields[]=asin" \
-d "fields[]=title" \
-d "fields[]=upc" \
We hope this guide helped in getting a good understanding of searching by identifiers through Synccentric API. Please also note that the data from this endpoint is from Synccentric's database is not real-time data, and will not have the complete collection of Amazon's listings.
To get real-time data directly from Amazon via API, you can Queue an Amazon search. We also have an easy to follow guide diving through this process.